The Slim Jim Conspiracy is a band based in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago. They are a six piece ska-core band. I've never actually seen these guys live yet, but will go at the next available chance to bring you even more info.

¤ ¤ Band Line Up ¤ ¤
Tim ¤ Lead Vocals/Guitar
Gino ¤ Bass/Back Up Vocals (NOTE: Gino owns and operates Duck Phone Records)
Moose ¤ Drums
Ray ¤ Saxophone/Back Up Vocals
Drew ¤ Trombone
Britt ¤ Trumpet/Back Up Vocals

¤ ¤ Interview With Gino ¤ ¤

Q. 1 ¤ How would you guys describe your music?

Gino : Ska-Core, Hardcore punk with horns with a Jazz and sometimes latin twist

Q. 2 ¤ Do you guys ever get into arguments--and if so does it affect the music at all?

Gino : Yes we have some pretty heated arguments, and yes it does sometimes show in our music. With 7 people in the band its pretty much hard to do anything and have everybody feeling the same about it.

Q. 3 ¤ Which of your songs if your favorite one, and why?

Gino : I Like our new stuff. It really shows our best writing skills.

Q. 4 ¤ What was your most embarassing moment on stage?

Gino : It was at the Warp Skate Park in Woodstock,IL and We had to start the same song 3 times because no one was ready at the same time

Q. 5 ¤ If you were a sex toy, what would you be & why?

Gino : Haha, not really sure about the sex toys

Q. 7 ¤ Seriously now, How much DO you love us?

Gino : You guys are the GREATEST! Thanks so much for the interview.

There Are Currently No Shows Scheduled.

¤ ¤ The Slim Jim Conspiracy Official Page ¤ ¤