throne is an amazing band from ct that is getting quite popular these days. i'd have to say that, and i think many would agree, they are ct's best band. i've only seen them once but they blew me away. i can't wait to see them again. unlike a lot of bands they have their own original thing going, and although they sound like silverchair they aren't trying to be them. they're just incredible. and justin plays guitar with his teeth. amazing amazing amazing. check them out. you won't regret it.

*Band line up*
singer/bassist - derek trafton
drummer - casey trafton
guitarist - justin millar

*Interview coming soon!*

*Tour Dates*

march 6, 2004
drifters in nashua, nh
shpeez, the everyday visuals, and permanent holiday

march 19, 2004
bill's bar in boston, ma
paranoid social club and inhale

Click above picture to hear some mp3s.

The Official Throne Site

"a thousand queens could tell you, don't fall for a king there's too much too live up to, know your self esteem a thousand queens will warn you, don't live for a dream but who do you look up to?"